Student Exchange
Every year about 30 exchange students from Taiwan come to visit Germany, to attend one school year at a german school and to live in a german host-Family, who welcomes them warmly. Alle students already in Taiwan started to learn German. Even though they attend a preparatory course in Hamburg and Berlin. They improve their German language and get in touch with German culture, to be ready for German all-day-life. The Exchange students are chosen by their Motivation, their civil Engagement and by their performance in school. The German host-families welcome the students on a voluntarily base as a guest of their family. This fosters real cultural Exchange, where both the exchange students and the host-families are encountered with a foreign culture, but also learn very much about themselves. Every year, we look for host-families, who enable this way of exchange. More Information on our host-family-Programme.
Articles in German newspapers (in German)
• Stephen aus Taiwan feiert deutsche Weihnachten
• Barmbeker holen Schüler aus Taiwan und Kolumbien nach Deutschland
Here you get an inside view on our exchange students and host families.
Offers for students
For Taiwanese students aubiko e.V. offers several ways of Consulting regarding studying in Germany. Here you will find more information.
Preparatory Course
Before the exchange programme starts all future Exchange students take part in a three-week preparatory summer camp in Hamburg and Berlin. Here you find more information on the preparatory summer camp. Within the course the exchange student improve their German language, get in touch with German culture and get interesting insides what opportunities they have, if they plan to study in Germany. They visit universities and career days. Here you find an article about a visit at the Northern Business School in Hamburg und hier einen Artikel über den ersten „Education and Career Day“ for Taiwanese highschool students at the FHM Berlin.
Educational trips
During the Exchange year Taiwanese students can participate in various trips in Germany and Europe. In Christmas time we visit a Christmas market (in Cologne or Berlin), in winter we have trip to the South to have snowy fun in Garmisch Partenkirchen to the Zugspitze. In Easter time we organize a trip to Prague. And at the end of the Exchange year in summer we offer a Eurotrip for students.
Boarding schools
The Taiwanese Student may also make a High School diploma in German Boarding Schools. More information on our Boarding School Programme
Participation in educational fairs/Business trips
The staff of aubiko often meets Taiwanese partners in Taiwan end presents the Projects with Taiwan on educational fairs in Germany and Taiwan. Here you will get some inpressions on participations on fairs in Taiwan.
Taiwan evening
In the middle of the preparatory Course the Exchange students organize an cultural evening host families, representatives from Taiwan and all those interested in Taiwan. They Show Special talents, sing, dance and of course present the Taiwanese cuisine. Here you will find some reports on Taiwan evenings in the past (in German).
Trip to Hamburg-Leipzig-Berlin
Together with the Chinese Culture University we offer an educational trip to Hamburg, Leipzig and Berlin. Before that the students visited the Jacobs University and a science camp of the Association of engineers.
Trip to Taiwan
The children of host-families who welcome Taiwanese Exchange students also get the possibility to travel to Taiwan. Here is some information (in German).
Trainings for German language teachers
In spring 2019 aubiko e.V. offers a teacher training Seminar for German language teachers from Taiwan. In June 2019 we also offer in cooperation with DAG a three-week-training Programm. More Information on teachers trainings (in German)
The „Musiksalon“ is an event, where people from different cultures have the opportunity to perform their music in front of a multinational audience or just talk about Music. Often there are special guests or the evening has a special topic. More Information (in German)
During the exchange Programme aubiko e.V. organizes a Photo Competition in spring and autumn with interesting prices.
Mid-term seminar for Taiwanese exchange students
As the exchange students from Taiwan spent a whole school year in Germany, we welcome them in december to a mid-term seminar. Here they can reflect two days, and share experiences of their first one-half year and set new goals for the second half. Here you find a report on a mid-term seminar.