A trip to Germany is not always possible the corona virus pandemic has proved this to us Therefore we now
want to enable digital encounters so that students around the world can take part in German courses that combine
language learning, regional studies, and exchanges with peers!
That’s why we offer online regional studies modules on various topics, which your students can virtually take with them to Germany where they can solve tasks and ask questions and intensively engage with the German language.
We offer modules on various regional studies topics, which are supplemented by additional practice materials for all four skills as well as grammatical structures.
Each digital student meeting and language trip contains 10 modules of 90 minutes each.
What do the modules look like?
Example modules for the group 13/14 years, language level A2 to B1
- Hamburg, What to see, Vocabulary preparation
- Hamburg virtual tour through the city. The students can prepare interview questions and then ask them to a Hamburg resident.
- Everyday school life vocabulary preparation
- Everyday school life, What do German schools look like? How is a timetable structured? How digital is the teaching? What do you really do in physical education and in the other subjects? Virtual tour of a school.
- Music and free-time, Vocabulary
- Visit a musical in Hamburg, How to get to the other side of the Elbe? What is special about the musicals?
- City of Bremen vocabulary preparation, Plattdeutsch, Roland, Bürgerschaft
- The Hanseatic City of Bremen, in clips: Who is Roland? What are the Bremen Town Musicians? What is the citizenship? Where do you get the best bratwursts in town?
- Soccer in Germany and the world, vocabulary preparation
- Excursion to the St. Pauli stadium in Hamburg, interview with a fan
Modules for the group 15/16 years, language level B1
- Hamburg, the gateway to the world, vocabulary
- The port, the economy, facts about the city. Interview with Hamburger/In
- Everyday life of young people, leisure and music, vocabulary preparation
- Visit of the youth club, house of the youth in Hamburg Dulsberg, interview with a young person or a responsible person
- School system in Germany, vocabulary
- What opportunities do young people have after school? How are they prepared for this? What is important to young people in their lives? What is it like when you fall in love? What is the Bravo?
- Vocabulary about music and St. Pauli
- The Beatles, Rap music from Hamburg, „Fettes Brot“, Jan Delay „Absolute Beginner“. St. Pauli
- Vocabulary, studying and teaching in Germany
- Visiting a university, interview with students, everyday life of a student. What is a WG?
You can find more information in our flyer: