Target group:
Norwegian school classes
The trip can foster German as a foreign language but can also be used to attract pupils by using this topic for German and Germany. The whole project can also be provided in English.
Goals of the trip:
- get in touch wih start-ups in Berlin
- arousing enthusiasm for the topic „start-up’s and young entrepreneurship“
- developing of own ideas for creating a start up
- meeting with a German school class
- meetings with heads of enterprises and young entrepreneurs
- get to know he city of Berlin and its conditions o be a a start-up-city
- strengthen awareness of regional differences (here Brandenburg –Berlin)
- improvement of German language skills
Travel Programme:
Day 1
Arrival, check in, reception, introduction
Day 2
Morning: thematically workshops to get in touch with the topic and to learn specific vocabulary.
- „Young entrepreneurs in Berlin“
- „Talk with an entrepreneur“
- „Preparation of the workshop in a Berlin school“
Afternoon: We split the group and visit different companies in small groups, visit sight and have a look at Street-Food-Markets.
Day 3
Morning: meeting with a school class from Berlin. Joint Workshop under the topic „Which Norwegian products/ business ideas could also be successful in Germany, respectively which German products could be successful in Norway. Development of a product idea for a Norwegian-German start-up (option 1) or presenation of German and Norwegian companies to each other (option2)
Afternoon: Exploration of Berlin in four thematical groups with focus on „exploring hip products“, „exploring hip start-up’s“, „exploring hip ideas“ in the districts Friedrichshain; Prenzlauer Berg; Schöneberg; Kreuzberg
These two days are optional. It is also possible to choose only one of these days.
Day 4
Excursion to : Topics: „Young entrepreneurs in Brandenburg“; „Berlin- Brandenburg-Prussia“; „Leads of the GDR and the reunification of Germany“
- trip to Neuruppin
- city tour part I: Rheinsberg Gate/Altruppin Gate, monastery church
- boat trip on the lake Ruppin
- lunch in a restaurant and discussion with an entrepreneur about challenges and chances of start-ups in the near of Berlin
- city tour part II: street „communication“, fish market, „Up Hus“, „Klappgraben“, post-building, market place, parade ground, drill ground, Place named after Ernst-Thälmann, Place named after Bernhard-Brasch
Day 5
Programme to deepen vocabulary and knowledge in different areas.
option1: German language cours „Berlin dialect for beginners“
option 2: Application for a school internship in Germany
option 3: German corporate culture
Afternoon: City tour to the Potsdamer square, Brandenburg Gate, gouvernmental district, Memorial church, Bellevue castle, East Side gallery, Silesian gate, Görlitz park, Treptow park, to the river Spree, to the Spreepark Berlin and the Boxhagen square.
Day 6