Student exchange
- Our exchange students and host families
- Information events for host families
- Preperatory seminar for exchange students in Frankfurt/Main 02.– 04.02.2017
- Our trainings for employees of the exchange students programme 20.01.– 22.01.2017
Educational tours
- Martin – Luther educational tour
- Paris and Disneyland
- Warsaw
- Munich
- Budapest
- Prague
- Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- Berlin
- Hamburg
Courses and seminars
- 1-week-Intensive German language course in Berlin 03.04 – 07.04.2017
- Courses and seminars for the Deutsche Auslandsgesellschaft (DAG)
- German intensive language course for danish students in Munich 26. – 31,03.2017
- Summercourse for children in Hamburg 2016
- Summercamp in Hamburg and Berlin 2016
- Impressions of the German-Polish-Ukrainian culture week 2016
- International academic conference at the Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski (UWM) in Olsztyn, Poland 14.04.-16.04.2016
- Summerschool for DaF- teacher from Uzbekistan at the university Bremerhaven in summer 2015
- Past projects