Are you planning to study at a German university in English? Are you sure that you are well prepared? Even though you will study in English, you will be in Germany and in the German education system. You need to know how the learning culture works and how to integrate into German society. Germany is a wonderful country, but not always easy to understand. We teach you every day German culture and help you get on the same wave length as the Germans! Are they really that distant and hard to get to know? How are Germans polite? How do they show respect? What’s the best way to present your talents? What do you need to know if you want to be successful in Germany?
They main part of the course is about the German learning culture: What is different from your home country’s learning culture? Almost everything: how you write essays, how you give a presentation, how you communicate in an oral exam, how you work as a scientist and so on. The German culture has many rules and regulations that you need to be aware of before you start your life and your study here.
„Unfortunately this course was not offered when I came to Germany – if I’d known all this it would have made everything so much easier “ (Gina Wang, Taiwan)